
No More Whinging

I serve a purpose. I am needed. I love those who need me.

I am powerful. I make my own choices. I own my choices.

I am determined. I will do what is necessary. I will achieve.

I am giving. I will share my joys. I will pour out everything I have.

I am worth it. I am happy. I am.
Image taken by me Sat, March 6,2010 


I draw strength from the words above, written in a different blog by me less than a month ago. I hold the knowledge I can be and I can do anything I put my mind to it. It is a knowledge I am determined to pass onto my son.

I have been re prioritizing much of the junk in my head lately. I have determined it is time to do what makes us (A and I ) happy. I have built a list of the little things that make our lives better. The ocean, once again, is the top of that list.

We had not been to the coast in a while. We had dropped our summer custom of driving there on a whim, running through the sand, falling in the waves, stopping at the Princeton Company for a cup of hot clam chowder and "camalari" (Lil A's favorite!), and then driving home, drenched, wind blown, the sea air and sand stuck in our hair, warmed up by the blankets in the car. The silence in the car as I navigate the windy HWY 92, reflects the sweet, satisfied sleep Lil'A usually melts into. We get home, drained, exhausted and completely satisfied.

Happiness is a dog on the beach; Chil playing 3.7.10

Saturday, almost as warm as a summer day, was the perfect opportunity to renew this summer ritual. We drove to Montara state beach, me, Lil'A and Chil (our dog). The anticipation grew as we got closer. The sun was out and the weather was truly perfect. Four hours flew by as if in a moment. We rolled in the sand, A wrote his name on the sand and watched the waves erase it, eliciting many giggles form him. Chil chased invisible toys along the sand, dog and ran and hopped like a bunny. I re-discovered how much I love photography.

Montara state beach is conveniently tucked away, making it rarely visited. Its serenity, wildness and moodiness overpower you in such a way the t you forget your daily worries and become a purely sensory being. The wind, the smell, the birds hanging in the air without movement held there just by the wind, the huge breath taking waves, the feeling as if you are completely alone there, make this spot so special!
My little guy 3.6.10

Our lease expires in November. I promised A and Chil (who panted, drooled and plopped down on seat in the car to nap, in approval) that we are moving to a little 2 br house in Montara at the end of this year. Knowing that it is possible gives me a feeling that i can only call pure elation!

Yesterday we went back. It was completely different. Windy, cold, cloudy, grumpy. We drove away after a few hours of running in the cold drizzle on the beach, my resolve to move there now strengthened. I have never found so much peace and purpose concentrated in once place.

Image taken by me 3.7.10, Montara State Beach

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