
On why I hate romantic movies

                                                                                                                Image borrowed from HERE

I rarely watch romantic movies. They leave such a bitter sweet taste in my mouth! Part of the issue is that the characters are always (BJ's diaries is the only one I can think of where that is not necessarily the case) so polished, physically perfect, glowing, and in some way adorable. Up on the silver screen they have no BO, they dress perfectly and their personal quirks are usually what is glorified. None of them pick their noses while driving, and even when working out they personify an unattainable image.

The plot lines are even more irksome. Some perfect 10 is single and struggling to find companionship. They meet another perfect 10 and go through some trial and upheaval only to have the universe bring them back together. Come on! I used to be a perfect 10 (trust me, I was! I did travel through many a continent modeling as a teenager after all!) I was never single, and never had issues meeting a mate. Romance was around every corner. Those days are gone now.

I look at these movies and always leave depressed, feeling alone and hopeless. The thoughts of "I am never eating again" and "Fat girls never get the guy" only ever pass through my head when viewing a romantic flick. I go through a day of moodiness and self pity.

Horror movies on the other hand cheer me up. They are so obviously removed from reality that should they cause any type of self reflection I should probably be seeking psychiatric help.

So there! Life would be so much easier as a perfect 10. Luckily in my case i need to focus on substance over looks. I am a better person for it, I know.



Trauma: This is what the evaluation specialist determined the issue was. After the last 2 weeks I decided to see if I can go back into therapy. I had to get evaluated in order to determine the type of counseling I needed. The determination was Trauma. I realize now that this is probably a correct evaluation.

I have spent the last few years made up a million excuses as to why M was like this. I now realize that I was in part blaming myself.

Last week M’s ex-“roommate” called me. She wanted to talk to me. She had questions. I had wondered if I was about his attempted suicide 4 days earlier. She barely touched on that. She wanted to know about the past. The questions shocked me. They were basic and came from a place of complete delusion about the facts. I found out more from these questions than I could have ever imagined. Apparently I am a bloodthirsty lawyer who earns $300,000 a year. I own a gorgeous mansion in the hills but harass him for large amounts of money to support lil’ A. I am a terrible mother and neglectful. I don’t help him with anything and I have been ‘chasing him’ all these years.

I also found out that he was dating her long before he asked for a second chance, before he even moved back in with me two years ago, and all the late night calls he was doing while walking the dog when he lived with me were to her. I already knew that but was surprised to find out he had told her he was living with his pastor at that time. The number of lies was so sheer, so imaginative, so detailed that I was entirely overwhelmed.

In August when he moved out they had already agreed on living together. Meanwhile he had me posting ads for roommates well into September. She admitted he was her first ‘real’ boyfriend and she had lost her virginity to him. This was while we were still living together (but luckily I had cut him off physically long before).

The lies to her spoke louder than anything about the lies he told me about her and his relationship with her. I did not ask her any questions. I did not have to. She shared with me the birthday celebrations he made for her (an exact repetition of mine), and the ‘special’ activities he had done with her (I had no heart to tell her they are but a part of standard repertoire.)

Before she left she sat there, holding back her tears. She the voiced the one thing that I had been asking myself over the years: “What did I do wrong to deserve this type of treatment? Why did he do this to me?” Her pain, he blame of herself, her reaction shredded me on the inside.

I think I was in shock for most of that day. The next morning I woke up numb. I realized my whole life, my whole reality, my whole understanding of the last 10 years was a lie. And then the final punch: He is sick, this is sick, this is a serious psychiatric issue. I am full of anger. I am full of blame for what she is going through. I am full of confusion, my view of the last 10 years turned completely on its head.

Trauma. Certainly.


Discovery after 10 years: It is not my fault - Part 1

Image borrowed from HERE

About M. I am angry but relieved. I am uncomfortable dealing with the pain of the last week or so right now... so I will seep out the life-altering event a little at a time as I am ready.

BTW, I named M as in (Manipulator). It fits him well.

Here are some reflections on the past. The headings I borrowed from an article on Sociopaths.

THE LAST 10 Years.

The Superficiality of Image

Image was the most important thing to him. He drove a race car and dressed "European". He was often called a metro-sexual. He always had the funds to get the latest Bekham like haircut (but not to see a movie with me or take A anywhere). In public he was the doting husband, while in private berating me for not dressing well enough, for my hair, my make-up for anything out of place to the stranger's eyes. He exaggerated every fact of anything material that he had. Even when we bought a new car, a 2005 Land Rover, he told the world we got a 2006 Range Rover. Nothing real was ever good enough and appearance of affluence and perfection was expected. The celebrations of occasions, always in public, were always intricate and flamboyant.

The Absence of Feelings

One of the first things I had noticed about him after we married was that he was unable to have any empathy for people or animals. Sympathy was but an act. It took the smallest thing to provoke him into anger. A passive, mean, cruel anger. He was vengeful, and would often have temper tantrums like a child. There was no conversation. Everything was turned on me, and no matter what happened it seems I was the one apologizing at the end. He hated conflict, avoiding it by walking away, hanging up, leaving the house and turning his phone off. I learned to bottle everything up and walk on egg shells. He manipulated every situation to get what he wanted and used me to do so.

The Relentlessness of Deception

He lied to me. All the time. A pink daisy often became a huge red rose.

One missed call became, i called you like 30 times! There were lies about nothing of consequence. Lies about grandeur that did not exist, exaggerations of the smallest detail of daily life, and fanciful stories where ever you looked. Those bothered me beyond belief. They were no white lies. They were needless lies. Then there were the lies about the past. It took all 10 years to dig the truthful grain that his 'history' was built from. And the BIG lies. The whats, whens and whos that covered up for the cyclical need to have romantic encounters with whoever was the latest accessory of the month (mostly co-workers). Caught out in one lie, he would turn it on me and make me feel like I was crazy, unstable, controlling and jealous. When some truth was gleamed out, his indiscretions were always my fault somehow. I did not dress right, I was too skinny (and later too fat) etc.

With time I became obsessed in gathering all the lies and finding a way to confront him so that he would have no choice but to come clean. To this day, I have not succeeded.

The Impulsiveness of Action

He never planned ahead. Everything was immediate, on a whim, and unexpected. It was impossible to have him commit to anything: A dinner with friends, a movie, a ride back home from the abortion I had the 2nd year we were married. He would say he'll call me and disappear for hours. Each offense to me, each act, was blown off, was explained away, was broken into bits of additional lies. The most extraordinary stories were backed by intricate details and the conviction of truth. Every promise made was broken and I was always the crazy one for feeling so. He lived so in the moment that I remember spending many a night alone peeking out the window at every car passing by to see if he was home and doing so 3 nights in a row. His phone was, conveniently, out of battery. And then, I was the crazy controlling wife, for worrying about what I believed was my partner. He was always superior and his actions always justified in his head. The fault always mine.


No More Whinging

I serve a purpose. I am needed. I love those who need me.

I am powerful. I make my own choices. I own my choices.

I am determined. I will do what is necessary. I will achieve.

I am giving. I will share my joys. I will pour out everything I have.

I am worth it. I am happy. I am.
Image taken by me Sat, March 6,2010 


I draw strength from the words above, written in a different blog by me less than a month ago. I hold the knowledge I can be and I can do anything I put my mind to it. It is a knowledge I am determined to pass onto my son.

I have been re prioritizing much of the junk in my head lately. I have determined it is time to do what makes us (A and I ) happy. I have built a list of the little things that make our lives better. The ocean, once again, is the top of that list.

We had not been to the coast in a while. We had dropped our summer custom of driving there on a whim, running through the sand, falling in the waves, stopping at the Princeton Company for a cup of hot clam chowder and "camalari" (Lil A's favorite!), and then driving home, drenched, wind blown, the sea air and sand stuck in our hair, warmed up by the blankets in the car. The silence in the car as I navigate the windy HWY 92, reflects the sweet, satisfied sleep Lil'A usually melts into. We get home, drained, exhausted and completely satisfied.

Happiness is a dog on the beach; Chil playing 3.7.10

Saturday, almost as warm as a summer day, was the perfect opportunity to renew this summer ritual. We drove to Montara state beach, me, Lil'A and Chil (our dog). The anticipation grew as we got closer. The sun was out and the weather was truly perfect. Four hours flew by as if in a moment. We rolled in the sand, A wrote his name on the sand and watched the waves erase it, eliciting many giggles form him. Chil chased invisible toys along the sand, dog and ran and hopped like a bunny. I re-discovered how much I love photography.

Montara state beach is conveniently tucked away, making it rarely visited. Its serenity, wildness and moodiness overpower you in such a way the t you forget your daily worries and become a purely sensory being. The wind, the smell, the birds hanging in the air without movement held there just by the wind, the huge breath taking waves, the feeling as if you are completely alone there, make this spot so special!
My little guy 3.6.10

Our lease expires in November. I promised A and Chil (who panted, drooled and plopped down on seat in the car to nap, in approval) that we are moving to a little 2 br house in Montara at the end of this year. Knowing that it is possible gives me a feeling that i can only call pure elation!

Yesterday we went back. It was completely different. Windy, cold, cloudy, grumpy. We drove away after a few hours of running in the cold drizzle on the beach, my resolve to move there now strengthened. I have never found so much peace and purpose concentrated in once place.

Image taken by me 3.7.10, Montara State Beach